What's The Fuzz?!
Furries are great. You can be anyone you want, anything you want. And sometimes people bring in biases from the outside without realizing it. As a white furry who, I now realize, mostly hangs out with other white furries, it's hard to break out of that bubble.
What's The Fuzz?! interviews BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) furries to share their experiences. Some of the things you hear are shocking.
They could easily sound absurd:
- Being run out of room parties for being black
- People turning cold once meeting someone in person for the first time only to learn the person they know isn't white
- Racist jokes
It goes on. And it's impossible to think it's all made up or exaggerated when you keep hearing the same stories over and over from countless angles.
All the episodes are good, but here are a few that stand out.
Kiri unfortunately died in the time since I drafted the posts for this project. She was kind and interesting the few times we talked on Twitter and the world is an emptier place without her.