The Last Archive

The Last Archive: Obscure histories, shared. It's up to season 4 now! I lost track of it around here and was glad to see it's still around when I went through my own archive of links looking for stuff to share.

Season 2 features a Soviet journalist who went Jacques Cousteau on the US and its people. It's interesting to hear about someone from another country treating the US the way the US treats most of the world, as a curiosity.

Episode 7: Children of Zorin — The Last Archive
Key Sources: Watch and listen to a subtitled excerpt of one of Zorin’s films called America Autumn 1971 . Read about the history of Soviet television in Ellen Mickiewicz’s Split Signals . Learn more about the history of Cold War journalists like Zorin in historian Dina Fainberg’s

They also had a series on conspiracies surrounding the early space program in the US.

Episode 5: Remote Control — The Last Archive
In 1961, President Kennedy announced that the United States would go to the moon. Eight years later, the Apollo 11 astronauts set foot upon its surface. Millions of Americans watched live on their televisions as it happened, but somehow the pinnacle of man’s achievement became a wellspring of conspi
Episode 6: It Came From Outer Space — The Last Archive
A fake moon landing. Astronauts carrying space pathogens back to earth. Michael Crichton’s Andromeda Strain. HIV manufactured in a government laboratory. COVID-19 vaccines killing millions. In this episode, Jill Lepore follows a trail of disease stories and conspiracies from Apollo 11 to COVID-19.

And one on Ripley's Believe It Or Not. I went to his museum in Gatlinburg where I saw his hologram and squished pennies.

Episode 2: Believe It — The Last Archive
Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! was one of the most popular radio shows of the 1930s, and for good reason: Early radio, not unlike the Internet of nearly a century later, was obsessed with doubt about belief.