
Patreon supporters keep this place running!

The main perk on my Patreon is early access to the things I make. $10 and above patrons get a bonus: a feature on this page and the patron map!

It's forever a work in progress: it could change, or be redone entirely. Past $10 patrons get a permanent spot on the map they were a patron for, but new maps will only include those active at the time I made it. An incentive to keep supporting, but also a reward for past support. Past major revisions that reset the list will be here too.

You can download the map as a 4K wallpaper and use it with a virtual tabletop, or for an actual tabletop.

The Supporters

  • Raine Lake - raine is one of my longest supporters, so naturally gets the top spot.
  • The Dioscuri - Jeff D asked for something involving Gemini and the number 6, so I made a little Yin-Yang shaped island with the twins.
  • Kattepus Trail - Psy Chuan's contribution. Kattepuss is from Swedish and possibly shares an etymology with pspspspspspspspspspspspspspsps, the summoning song for cats.